Boy peeping over wall

Adventurer’s Hangout

Your online spot for more awesome stuff

Welcome to the adventurers’ hangout! Here you can see everyone’s Awesome ideas for having fun while posting comments for your friends, parents or playworkers who have shared their ideas. Maybe you’ll spot some familiar faces!


To share your Fun Stuff (video’s, photos, recipes etc) email

Fun stuff

Wonder Windows

  Make sure you ask an adult in your house before you start this one!   Why not use your windows as a way to brighten your neighbours day. There are lots of different ways you could decorate your windows.   1.Make a poster You could make a poster that just says hello, that tells…

Lion(maybe tiger) Face paint

Josh’s step by step guide Step 1 Paint the face orange with a sponge     Step 2. Paint the nose and above the lip   Step 3 Paint the Whiskers All done If you want to have more help here;s what we used( well we tried)…..    

Michael’s Awesome Smoothies

Awesome Smoothies For Awesome Adventurers In the current climate, more than ever, imperative we look after our health and immune system, especially as Awesome Adventurers we need to keep our strength. Here’s 5 great smoothie recipes to try at home. Good luck Adventurers! THE COLD BUSTER! 2 oranges, peeled and roughly chopped 1 banana 1/2…

Tissue Box Monsters

  Michael’s Tissue Box Monsters Here’s a simple one for you Awesome Adventurers out there! Create a tissue box monster & send us your crazy monstrosities!! Use whatever you have available. See example below.    

Flight School

  Michael’s Learner Flight School   As Awesome Adventurers I have no doubt that flying above the clouds is something we seek to do! How about testing your skills as pilots using paper aeroplanes & squeezing them through gaps. The smaller the gap the more points you get. Good luck!   Use an some old…

Home Treasure Hunt

  As you know at Cornwallis we are the pirates and adventurers of Awesome, so why not continue your expeditions at home?   I, Captain No Beard challenge you to create a map of your home for your children hiding items or clues around the house that ultimately lead them to a hidden treasure (of…

Blanket Fort

  Being the pirates and adventurers we are, sometimes we have to dock our ship and rest in our castle.   I, King No Beard challenge you to build the most fantastical fort in your home!   You can use blankets, pillows and cushions or anything else your parents allow.   If you still have…


Don’t be shy…

If you want to give us feedback, make a recommendation, or share an awesome idea for a game, recipe or challenge, just jot it down below. We love hearing from all our adventurers!

12 responses to “Adventurer’s Hangout”

  1. wow good videos.
    my favourite is the blind fold one.
    I have submitted a pokemon game let me know what you think?

  2. Absolutely awesome activities!! These activities are keeping me extremely occupied and absolutely loving Maureen the rockstar!!

  3. Would first like to say a huge thank you to the awesome team for their amazing variety of activities day-to-day to not only keep my son involved but myself! Keeping the spirts High over this period!???

  4. Well done to all the amazing staff from all the playgrounds… keeping my little minions busy with online activities and fun!!!

    Maureen we love your creativity from dance to crafts!

    Thank you!!

  5. A big thank you to everyone at awesome adventure for all the amazing activities for the children. This place has so many fun activities for all ages and they are things that we can all do at home. My kids love it. And a big shout for Maureen the rock star and Dani for her wicked science experiments!

  6. Thank you do much for the amazing videos during this difficult time. A big Thank you to Maureen. Your videos have been a god send and have really helped keep my girls entertained. They girls loved the experiments and arts and crafts in particular. Really helped me to get creative too. Thank you again ?

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Awesome Adventure Play 2024-04-17T10:02:14+01:00