boy on waterslide

Our Not-So-Secret Mission

Our mission

To give every child in Islington the opportunity to positively develop through play in a fun, safe and challenging environment, and to support, enhance and make a difference in the surrounding community.

Our vision

To provide adventure playgrounds in Islington that are safe and welcoming spaces, with a strong sense of local ownership and social purpose.

To empower children and young people to achieve their potential and improve their health, well-being and resilience, with the support of dedicated, qualified and creative employees.

To actively contribute to the local economy and create regeneration.

To achieve sustainable long-term growth through ethical business practices including employee ownership.

adventurer swinging

Our values

Putting children, young people, families and carers at the centre of everything we do and ensuring their experience is truly awesome.

Building an ownership culture where employees love to give their best every day and communities feel pride in adventure play services in their neighbourhoods.

Investing any surplus Awesome makes to continuously improve our play offer, facilities and resources.

Wherever possible employing and spending locally.

Committing to professional development and pioneering play’s role in society and the children’s services workforce.

Find out more about us

Our Story
adventurer in the forest

Think you know Awesome? Think again. Find out about the history of playgrounds in Islington, and Awesome’s unique story.

Awesome Adventure Play 2019-11-06T10:14:59+00:00