A. Agreements
1. The hiring of Awesome CIC’s facilities will be based on a standardised application process.
2. The Terms and Conditions of hire will accompany the Application Form provided to the prospective applicant and the applicant, a) acknowledges receipt of same, and b) confirms he or she has understood the Terms and Conditions, when he or she signs the Application Form.
3. Under no circumstances will the hire of an Awesome CIC Facility be allowed without a formal agreement and consent from Awesome CIC.
B. Pre and Post Event Inspections
1. The allocated hire supervisor will conduct a pre-event inspection with the Hirer. A walk-through of the Awesome CIC Facility is to be carried out and important issues, particularly any unusual features of the Awesome CIC Facility, shall be pointed out to the Hirer.
2. The post event inspection will be undertaken by the appointed person promptly following the event/function (or in the case of a regular booking, promptly following the last booked event/function). The Hirer’s Security Bond will not be released before the post event inspection has taken place and all damage made good.
Risk Management
1. Awesome CIC’s Playwork Coordinators are to refer potential Hirers to the Awesome CIC bookings administrator, who will scrutinise and administer hire applications. Awesome CIC has the discretion to refuse, for any reason whatsoever, an application for hire.
2. By signing and completing the Application Form the Hirer also acknowledge receipt of the Site Risk Assessment and confirms they have understood the obligations in the Site Risk Assessment.
Agreements, Inspections and Risk Management
Awesome CIC grants the hire of the facilities described in the approved application form subject to the following conditions: